Friends of Tintswalo

With their great love for the wilderness and wildlife, Tintswalo’s Corbett and Goosen families have been avid safari expedition travellers for many years, exploring the African continent at every opportunity. For many years the family have always been involved in charitable, community development and educational upliftment programs in local communities. Their aim is to spread the message of conservation. Please assist us with these projects by providing financial support and awareness with your generous donations.

FOT Contact person: Sophy Tlhabadira, Head of Community Development  011 300 8700

Tintswalo Safari – Rhino Conservation Program

The poaching crisis in Africa is driven by an ever-increasing demand for rhino horn. South Africa has by far the largest population of rhinos in the world and therefore it is incredibly important to focus on rhino conservation.

To combat the unprecedented rhino poaching crisis in Southern Africa, Tintswalo Safari aims to raise awareness of the poaching epidemic and provide funding and support for a variety of urgently-needed anti-poaching interventions in the Manyeleti Game Reserve, Greater Kruger National Park and the South African Wildlife College SAWC.

The aim of this is to develop and educate the youth and communities to protect our natural resources by creating an understanding of the relationship between the game reserve, eco-tourism, lodges and our natural heritage. So far, this program has reached roughly 800+ pupils from the 19 communities surrounding the Manyeleti Nature Reserve. 

Visit the SAWC website to find out more about this charity and to support the South African Wildlife College (SAWC) and the training it conducts to upgrade the skills of people within the conservation sector whilst also playing a vital role in the protection of Africa’s biodiversity:

Tintswalo Boulders – Shark Warriors Charity

Shark Warrior Adventures is located on Seaforth Beach just outside Simon’s Town and is home to a colony of around 150 endangered African Penguins.  As a breakaway colony of penguins from the neighbouring Boulders Beach Colony, this  population of birds are supposed to be protected as they are located within the Table Mountain National Park. However these penguins are not protected and have been subjected to daily harassment by thousands of visitors. 

As a result, AfriOceans has become the guardians of these penguins and have taken action to limit the human interactions that clearly affected the birds. They constructed a barrier around their favourite rocks to keep unwanted humans from invading their crucial important safe space. The area has now been expanded to prevent trampling of the adjoining coastal dune area.  This barrier has made a huge difference towards ensuring the safety of these resident penguins, as well as greatly improving penguin viewing conditions for the visitors. 

Together with AirBnB Impact Experiences, new exciting projects are planned to further enhance the penguins living conditions and continued survival. Visit the AfriOceans website to find out more about this charity:

Tintswalo Atlantic – AMOYO Performing Arts Foundation

Many kids from disadvantaged backgrounds in South Africa believe that their future is tied to their past and there is nothing more for them beyond their small community. When you grow up with less, it’s not easy to see your own potential.

But there is one organisation, based in Hout Bay, which is using the magical power of performing arts to help the kids in their community to flourish. Tintswalo Atlantic is currently supporting the Amoyo Performing Arts Foundation, an NPO that helps to teach and mentor children from underprivileged communities around Hout Bay; giving them the skills and confidence to create more from life than what was handed to them. Tintswalo Atlantic provided much needed support to this organisation, helping with transport, food and general logistical assistance in the past 2 years. Any donation will be appreciated by the kids. Visit the AMOYO website to find out more about this charity:

For more information on any of the programs, contact the General Manager or call +27 (0)21 773 0700

To make a donation towards the above Non-profit charities:

Bank: Nedbank

Name of account: Friends of Tintswalo

Account: 1195843283

Branch: 198765

Reference: Name of the Charity